
Making Every Woman and Child Cybersafe

Digital access is now available to one and all, empowering users more than ever before, and therefore providing a safer cyberspace is our mission. The core values that define [ RF+] are to strive for a more just social structure by creating more opportunities and to educate the lesser privileged women and children.

Events Gallery

Rocheston Foundation has been delivering workshops and sessions in rural schools and colleges with an aim educate women and the younger generation on technology, and against the hazards of the digital world.

Our Causes

As the tech industry is busy grappling with rapidly emerging digital transformation, we have been engaged in creating a talented, confident and creative workforce and narrowing gender inequality.


On joining hands with institutions in rural areas we are creating fertile grounds for learning, where talents await opportunities.


When protected and loved, a child views the world differently from a child abandoned due to a traumatic incident, poverty or an abusive parent.

Rocheston Reinvent 2020: Cybersecurity for Women

September 25th - 26th 2020

The Cybersecurity for Women Conference is a by the woman, of the woman, for the woman effort to bring a more significant women force to Cybersecurity domain. It is time to innovate and look new ways to achieve what remains to be accomplished.

We Are All Responsible

The novel corona virus disease or COVID-19, has shaken the world with its life-threatening spread. This pandemic has no proven cure as yet, however Rocheston has brought out a handy COVID-19 Safety Measures to protect yourself and those around you.


These interesting and thought-provoking articles provide insights to innovations from across the world that make the cyberspace safe for women and young people.